Mindfulness and More

Welcome to the resource page for the 6-week Mindfulness and More program.

Week 1

Body scan (15 mins)

Body scan with affection (15 mins)

Week 2

Mindfulness of breath and sounds (15 mins)

3-minute breathing space

Week 3

Mindfulness of breath, thoughts and emotions (15 mins)

Week 4

Loving kindness (15 mins)

Loving kindness to self (12 mins)

Week 5

Self-compassion (13 mins)

Self-compassion break (4 mins)

Optional readings

Week 1

Ed Halliwell, (2016) The 7 Qualities of Mindfulness Trained in the Body Scan

Jon Kabat-Zinn, (2005) The Body Scan, excerpt from Coming to our senses

Week 2

Mark Williams, et al. (2007) The Mindful Way Through Depression, Guilford Press: New York,  Ch4 Dealing with the wandering mind. Click here

Jon Kabat-Zinn, (1990) Sitting Meditation, excerpt from Full Catastrophe Living

Week 3

Ed Halliwell, (2016) Learning to Meditate through Difficulty

Edward Espe Brown, (2001) Thoughts on Thinking, Yoga Journal

Week 4

Emma Seppälä (2014) 18 Science-Backed Reasons to Try Loving-Kindness Meditation

Week 5

Kristin Neff (2015) The Five Myths of Self-Compassion

Week 6

Summer Allen (2018) The Science of Gratitude Greater Good Science Center